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The Elks pledge to our veterans is: "So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them." The Salisbury Elks are no exception.


The local lodge is constantly providing volunteers services from feeding the homeless vetereans, having a special event at the Lodge or River Park, 1st Tuesday Night Bingo, providing donations of personal care products and reading material, and the list goes on and on. 


For more information about the services we do as a national organization for our veterans, please visit

Elk Sponsored Re-Creation Presents at Salisbury VA Medical Center in March 2014

VA Bingo at the Veterans Home, Christmas 2016, NC National Guard spent time with the Vets.  Local Girl Scout Troop provided beautiful Christmas Music and Wonderful Gift bags for all of the Veterans.  Thank you for your service

508 S. Main Street
Salisbury, NC 28144

Riverpark Address:

180 Pavilion Lane

Salisbury, NC  28146

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